I have written a piece of code which alerts the tab URL after every 2 seconds. However, I am unable to do this for pop-ups. Whenever I open a pop-up; the tab url is of the background page and not the pop-up.
How can i get the url of the pop-up in crome?
var seconds = 2*1000;
chrome.tabs.getSelected(null, function(tab) {
tabId = tab.id;
tabUrl = tab.url;
In content_script.js or popup.html:
function get_urlInfo() {
var d = {
'action' : 'getUrl'
chrome.extension.sendRequest(d, function(response) {
In background.html:
function onRequest(request, sender, sendResponse) {
if (request.action == 'getUrl') {
sendResponse({'url' : sender.tab.url});
It should work!