I am working on a project with TwinCat
and AMR
. I'm using Python as a communication medium between the two systems. I have an issue with waiting for the variable to change value. I have a variable of type BOOL
and want to perform a certain action when the variable changes. Can someone help me with this?
P.S. I have notified for change in variable as well.
import pyads
PLC = pyads.Connection('', pyads.PORT_SPS1)
StnF = PLC.read_by_name('GVL.AGVgotoStnF', pyads.PLCTYPE_BOOL)
if StnF == 'TRUE' :
ArrStnF = PLC.write_by_name('GVL.iPosAGV',3,pyads.PLCTYPE_INT)
Your looking for notifications. The documentation of pyads
gives and example how to do this:
import pyads
from ctypes import sizeof
# define the callback which extracts the value of the variable
def callback(notification, data):
contents = notification.contents
var = next(map(int, bytearray(contents.data)[0:contents.cbSampleSize]))
plc = pyads.Connection('', pyads.PORT_SPS1)
attr = pyads.NotificationAttrib(sizeof(pyads.PLCTYPE_INT))
# add_device_notification returns a tuple of notification_handle and
# user_handle which we just store in handles
handles = plc.add_device_notification('GVL.integer_value', attr, callback)
# To remove the device notification just use the del_device_notication
# function.