
Is it possible to access spatial graph node id of SpatialSurfaceMesh?

Microsoft.MixedReality.QR API provides spatial graph node id for detected QR codes. I need to access spatial graph node id of Windows.Perception.Spatial.Surfaces.SpatialSurfaceMesh class (to use with OpenXR XR_MSFT_spatial_graph_bridge extension). Is it possible?

I've tried to use SurfaceMesh.SurfaceInfo.Id property. But it seems that's not the id OpenXR is looking for.


  • Actually, SpatialSurfaceMesh doesn't expose its underlying spatial graph node like QR codes or SceneUnderstanding, it is difficult to use the SpatialSrfaceMesh's SpatialCoordinateSystem with the OpenXR bridge extension. And in this case, SceneUnderstanding mesh should be better for all purposes except occlusion. So, it is recommended that you supersede SpatialSurfaceMesh with SceneUnderstanding to enable the OpenXR bridge extension.

    In addition, the example of this feature has been arranged into our development schedule, please take an eye on our documentation.