
Spring @Value doesn't work in nested configuration

I have a

app.cert.identity.subject.O=Pacific College

My class:

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "app.cert.identity")
public class IdentityCertificateDefinition {

    private Subject subject;

    public static class Subject {

        private String organizationalUnit;    //Does work

        @Value("${app.cert.identity.subject.O}")    //Does NOT work
        private String organization;

        @Value("${app.cert.identity.subject.L}")    //Does NOT work
        private String location;

        @Value("${app.cert.identity.subject.ST}")    //Does NOT work
        private String state;

        @Value("${app.cert.identity.subject.C}")    //Does NOT work
        private String countryCode;

        @Value("${app.cert.identity.validity.not-after-in-days}")    //Does NOT work
        private int notAfterInDays;



And here is the result: enter image description here You guys can see just the organizationalUnit work, the rest doesn't work (all are null). I do not know how to make the rest properties work. I would like to keep


  • You can use the static class configuration with this code:

    public class IdentityCertificateDefinition {
        private Subject subject;
        public static class Subject {
            private String organizationalUnit;
            private String organization;
            private String location;
            private String state;
            private String countryCode;
            private int notAfterInDays;

    If you don't need to use a static class in a configuration class, just use:

    public class IdentityCertificateDefinition {
        private String organizationalUnit;
        private String organization;
        private String location;
        private String state;
        private String countryCode;
        private int notAfterInDays;