
How to create a stacked barplot with numbers calculated in percentages?

I want to create a stacked barplot for data similar to the following. The barplot should represent the percentage of patients by race visiting each of the clinics as well as it should show the respective numbers.

enter image description here

Can anyone please help me with this as I am a novice with R?


  • Try this approach using ggplot2 and tidyverse functions. As @r2evans mentioned please next time try creating a reproducible example with data. Here the code. You would need to compute the position for labels and then sketch the code:

    df %>% pivot_longer(-Race) %>%
      group_by(name) %>% mutate(Pos=value/sum(value)) %>%
      geom_bar(stat = 'identity',position = 'fill')+
      geom_text(aes(y=Pos,label=value),position = position_stack(0.5))+
      scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent)


    enter image description here

    Some data used:

    df <- structure(list(Race = c("Caucasian/White", "African American", 
    "Asian", "Other"), `Clinic A` = c(374, 820, 31, 108), `Clinic B` = c(291, 
    311, 5, 15), `Clinic C` = c(330, 206, 6, 5), `Clinic D` = c(950, 
    341, 6, 13)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -4L))