I'm trying to write a DLL file that I can inject into a game. I'm pretty far but when I try to compile the code I always get the error
Error LNK2001 Unresolved external symbol "" unsigned char * __cdecl Detours :: X86 :: DetourFunction (unsigned char *, unsigned char *, enum Detours :: X86Option) "(? DetourFunction @ X86 @ Detours @@ YAPAEPAE0W4X86Option @ 2 @@ Z ) ".
The detours folder I use is from here: https://github.com/Nukem9/detours
but the Detours.h file was broken because I couldn't use uint8_t
so I replaced the code in there with the code from that file:
The codline where I think the problem is:
oEndScene = (EndScene)Detours::X86::DetourFunction((uint8_t*)d3d9Device[42], (uint8_t*)hkEndScene);
but for those who are interested, I can post the whole code here. Just tell me in the comments. The whole code is 256 lines long
You can't just replace function definition:
uintptr_t DetourFunction(uintptr_t Target, uintptr_t Detour, X86Option Options = X86Option::USE_JUMP);
uint8_t *DetourFunction(uint8_t *Target, uint8_t *Detour, X86Option Options = X86Option::USE_JUMP);
Why can't you use uint8_t
? Can't you just add:
typedef unsigned char uint8_t;