This is the data that I get back from the rubycas server.
"cn"=>"--- - Toby Joiner",
"sn"=>"--- - Joiner",
"mail"=>"--- -",
- CN=All Users,OU=AllUsers,DC=bnw,DC=local
- CN=Administrators,CN=Builtin,DC=bnw,DC=local
- CN=Remote Desktop Users,CN=Builtin,DC=bnw,DC=local",
"givenname"=>"--- - Toby"
I am wondering if there is a way I am supposed pull this data out, right now I am doing:
first_name = session[:cas_extra_attributes][:sn].gsub('-','')
to remove the dashes. I am hoping I am just missing the built in way to get the extra data out from the rubycas server.
That looks like YAML escaped data. You should be able to get rid of it by first parsing it through YAML.load
and then processing it as you wish.
As a small aside, I've personally re-implemented the basic functions of rubycas-server as a Rails engine called cassy. However, I don't think it supports sending through extra attributes at the moment.
I just thought I'd mention it as it gives you an alternative to try if rubycas-server doesn't work out.