
ArrayList items to JTable using DefaulTableModel

I am trying to take the contents inside my ArrayList, holding FootballClub objects and display them onto my JTable. I can't seem to get this to work and I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated. It says for model.add() that an array initializer is not allowed here. My columnNames also seem to not be displaying

// the arraylist containing footballclub objects
protected ArrayList<FootballClub> clubs = new ArrayList<FootballClub>();

 public void displayTable(ArrayList<FootballClub> footballClubs)
    String[] columnNames = {"Club name", "goals", "points", "wins"};
    DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(columnNames, 0);

    for(int i = 0; i < footballClubs.size(); i++)
        String name = footballClubs.get(i).getClubName();
        int goals = footballClubs.get(i).getGoals();
        int points = footballClubs.get(i).getPoints();
        int wins = footballClubs.get(i).getPoints();
        model.addRow({{name, goals,points,wins}});

    final JTable teamTable = new JTable(model);

    JFrame frame = new JFrame("Tableview");

    frame.setSize(500, 500);



  • You don't say how what you've written doesn't work. I assume there is a compiler issue on this line:

        model.addRow({{name, goals,points,wins}});

    It looks as if you are trying to use the Object[] overload. The correct syntax is:

        model.addRow(new Object[] { name, goals, points, wins });

    Or, the special syntax for array initialisers:

        Object[] row = { name, goals, points, wins} ;

    If there had been a List overload, you could use List.of(name, goals, points, wins), but there isn't.

    (Also note, it is conventional to use List instead of ArrayList. If there is a conflict with java.awt.List you can explicitly add import java.util.List.

    The for can be written:

    for (FootballClub club : footballClubs) {

    which should make things clearer.)