
When must you use poor design to finish a project?

There are many different bad practices, such as memory leaks, that are easy to slip into a program on accident. Sometimes, they might even be able to jury-rig your program together.

I'm working on a project right now and it works if I deliberately put a memory leak in my code. If I take the leak out, the code crashes. Obviously this is bad, and needs to be (and will be) fixed soon.

My question is, when do you decide to deliver code in this state, if it's not possible to release code without these poor practices, in time?


  • If the problem's impact on actual usage of the system can be reasonably expected to be none or negligible, and the delivery date cannot be pushed back, and it can be fixed within a scope of time before the problem's impact becomes more than negligible, ship it.

    Obviously this is not ideal or even recommended, but you're clearly pushed into a corner at this point. Sometimes there are no good choices, but pragmatism must win over formal correctness. If an application has a memory leak, but we can reasonably expect that the app will be recycled or machine restarted or whatever before the leak becomes a real problem, that can sometimes be better than delivering late. It depends on the conditions of the agreement and the customer.

    It's always better to at least try to push back the delivery date, but I am assuming you've already tried that and it's not an option here.

    It is typical once an application has been shipped to ignore technical debt and move on. It's the responsibility of the developers to clearly communicate to the stakeholders the importance of paying off some of that debt, especially in a case like this.

    However, given that it seems the customer cares more about a delivery date than correctness, it's less likely anyone will be convinced to pay off any debt once you go live. This is a bad situation to be in. Only the person with all the facts can make the right choice.