I just installed WSO2 3.2.0 and Analytics 4.4.0 on the same machine using repositories on Debian 9.
Everything looks fine except the analytics Dashboard that I can't access for. According to the documentation here, I have to go on this url https://check.mydomain.com:9643/analytics-dashboard but all I got is this error :
Problem accessing: /analytics-dashboard. Reason: Not Found
I followed these steps to set up my domain name and enable analytics :
nano /usr/lib/wso2/wso2am/3.2.0/repository/conf/deployment.toml
hostname = "check.mydomain.com"
enable = true
And I replaced every "localhost"
string by ${server.hostname}
I followed these steps to start Analytics, API Manager and Dashboard :
service wso2sp-4.4.0-worker start
service wso2am-3.2.0 start
service wso2sp-4.4.0-dashboard start
Every service is fine regarding
service wso2sp-4.4.0-worker status
service wso2am-3.2.0 status
service wso2sp-4.4.0-dashboard status
Every other urls are working :
Nothing happends on logs when I wisit https://check.mydomain.com:9643/analytics-dashboard
tail -f /usr/lib/wso2/wso2am/3.2.0/repository/logs/http_access_.2020-11-18.log
tail -f /usr/lib/wso2/wso2am/3.2.0/repository/logs/wso2carbon.log
tail -f /usr/lib/wso2/wso2sp/4.4.0/wso2/worker/logs/carbon.log
tail -f /usr/lib/wso2/wso2sp/4.4.0/wso2/dashboard/logs/carbon.log
Any help would be very appreciated, thanks.
You need to use wso2am analytics setup to configure analytics with the API manager. But I think now you are trying to use wso2 stream processor to configure the analytics and it's not supported with wso2am 3.2. Follow the [1]documentation to download and set up the analytics. You need to manually download the wso2am-analytics-3.2.0.zip.
if you follow the quick setup make sure wso2am-analytics-3.2.0 and wso2am folders locate in the same place. (since you installed apim via the apt installer you need to manually put anlytics setup in /usr/lib/wso2/wso2am/ folder and correctly set the path to API manager am_db in wso2am-analytics-3.2.0/conf/dashboard/deployment.yaml---> AM_DB -> jdbcUrl)
If you follow the standard setup no need to worry about the locations of wso2am pack and wso2am-analytics pack.
[1] https://apim.docs.wso2.com/en/latest/learn/analytics/configuring-apim-analytics/