Using Python-Skyfield to calculate the upcoming conjunction if Jupiter and Saturn.
Wikipedia Great conjunction times (1800 to 2100)
Using Right Ascension:
Using Ecliptic Longitude:
from skyfield.api import load, tau, pi
from skyfield.almanac import find_discrete
planets = load('de421.bsp')
sun = planets['sun']
earth = planets['earth']
jupiter = planets['jupiter barycenter']
saturn = planets['saturn barycenter']
ts = load.timescale(builtin=True)
def longitude_difference(t):
e =
j = e.observe(jupiter).apparent()
s = e.observe(saturn).apparent()
_, lon1, _ = s.ecliptic_latlon()
_, lon2, _ = j.ecliptic_latlon()
return (lon1.degrees - lon2.degrees) > 0
def longitude_difference1(t):
e =
j = e.observe(jupiter).apparent()
s = e.observe(saturn).apparent()
jRa, _, _ = j.radec()
sRa, _, _ = s.radec()
return (sRa._degrees - jRa._degrees) > 0
longitude_difference.rough_period = 300.0
longitude_difference1.rough_period = 300.0
print("Great conjunction in ecliptic longitude:")
t, b = find_discrete(ts.utc(2020), ts.utc(2021), longitude_difference)
for ti in t:
print("Great conjunction in right ascension:")
t, b = find_discrete(ts.utc(2020), ts.utc(2021), longitude_difference1)
for ti in t:
I'm new to Skyfield so any help is appreciated.
Your conjection-finding code looks very good, and I suspect its results are far better than those of the Wikipedia — looking at the version history, it’s not clear where their numbers even came from, and unattributed astronomy calculations can’t easily be double-checked without knowing from which ephemeris and software they derived them.
I attach below a slightly improved version of your solver. Here are the tweaks I recommend:
when computing coordinates, since conjunctions and oppositions are traditionally defined according to the celestial sphere of the year in which they happen, not the standard J2000 celestial sphere.Here’s the output, very close to yours, and again not agreeing well with those old unexplained uncredited Wikipedia numbers:
Great conjunction in ecliptic longitude:
['A.D. 2020-Dec-21 18:20:37.5144 UT']
Great conjunction in right ascension:
['A.D. 2020-Dec-21 13:32:04.9486 UT']
Great conjunction at closest approach:
A.D. 2020-Dec-21 18:21:00.2161 UT - 0.1018 degrees
And the script:
from skyfield.api import load
from skyfield.searchlib import find_discrete, find_minima
planets = load('de421.bsp')
sun = planets['sun']
earth = planets['earth']
jupiter = planets['jupiter barycenter']
saturn = planets['saturn barycenter']
ts = load.timescale(builtin=True)
def longitude_difference(t):
e =
j = e.observe(jupiter).apparent()
s = e.observe(saturn).apparent()
_, lon1, _ = s.ecliptic_latlon(epoch='date')
_, lon2, _ = j.ecliptic_latlon(epoch='date')
return (lon1.degrees - lon2.degrees) % 360.0 > 180.0
def ra_difference(t):
e =
j = e.observe(jupiter).apparent()
s = e.observe(saturn).apparent()
jRa, _, _ = j.radec(epoch='date')
sRa, _, _ = s.radec(epoch='date')
return (sRa.hours - jRa.hours) % 24.0 > 12.0
def separation(t):
e =
j = e.observe(jupiter).apparent()
s = e.observe(saturn).apparent()
return j.separation_from(s).degrees
longitude_difference.step_days = 30.0
ra_difference.step_days = 30.0
separation.step_days = 30.0
print("Great conjunction in ecliptic longitude:")
t, b = find_discrete(ts.utc(2020), ts.utc(2021), longitude_difference)
for ti in t:
print("Great conjunction in right ascension:")
t, b = find_discrete(ts.utc(2020), ts.utc(2021), ra_difference)
for ti in t:
print("Great conjunction at closest approach:")
t, b = find_minima(ts.utc(2020, 6), ts.utc(2021), separation)
for ti, bi in zip(t, b):
print('{} - {:.4f} degrees'.format(ti.utc_jpl(), bi))