In my rails application I have categories
which are classified based on location
. I want to cache these categories on serializer level by using jsonapi-serializer
's caching method cache_options store: Rails.cache, namespace: 'jsonapi-serializer', expires_in: 3.hours
. The issue here is that when I call it for the first time to retrieve categories in City A
for example then later try to retrieve categories from City B
it will still show City A
's data. What I'm trying to do now is to pass city
to serializer then add it to namespace
using something like this namespace: "jsonapi-serializer/categories/#{:city}"
in order to differentiate between them but I'm not able to find a way to do so yet.
Currently I have this block of code to retrieve categories
based on location then serialize and render a json
category = Category.active_categories(headers['User-Location'])
unless category.empty?
generic_category = Category.all_category
categories = generic_category, category
render, { params: { user_location: headers['User-Location'] } })
While Category.active_categories
and Category.all_category
are caching the queries as below:
def self.active_categories(user_location)
Rails.cache.fetch("active_categories/#{user_location}", expires_in: 3.hours) do
Category.where(status: 'active')
.joins(:sellers).where(sellers: { status: 'active', is_validated: true })
.joins(sellers: :cities).where(cities: { name_en: user_location })
.joins(sellers: :products).where(products: { status: 'available' })
.where.not(products: { quantity: 0 }).with_attached_cover
.order(featured: :desc).uniq.to_a
def self.all_category
Rails.cache.fetch('all_category', expires_in: 24.hours) do
Category.where(name_en: 'All').with_attached_cover.first
Found the solution already. Just override the caching method as the example below:
require 'active_support/cache'
class MySerializer
include JSONAPI::Serializer
cache_options(store: Rails.cache, namespace: 'jsonapi-serializer', expires_in: 3.hours)
def self.record_cache_options(options, fieldset, include_list, params)
return super(options, fieldset, include_list, params) if params[:user_location].blank?
opts = options.dup
opts[:namespace] += ':' + params[:user_location]