The problem:
I want to make a ball the user can throw. With my current implementation, physics work but I cannot lift the ball. However, if I delete the "dynamic-body" I can grab the ball exactly as I am supposed to, and move it around. Heck, I tried changing it to "static-body" and it still works. The problem seems to be whenever I mix grabbable and dynamic-body. I know it should be possible in an older version, as I was using this tutorial:
However, he is using progressive-controls which are not available in the newest super-hands package, I don't know if that changes anything. Is there anything I am doing wrong here?
Here are my snippits of code that could affect the result:
My A-Frame packages:
<!-- A-Frame -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- A-Frame Components -->
<!-- A-Frame Particle System -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<!-- A-Frame Event System -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- A-Frame Extras Add-Ons -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- A-Frame Physics -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- A-Frame Physics Extra Add-On -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- A-Frame Super Hands -->
<script src=""></script>
My problematic sphere:
<!-- Ball -->
position="0 0 0">
dynamic-body="mass: 0.2; linearDamping: 0.05; angularDamping: 0.3; shape: sphere;
sphereRadius: 0.125;"
class="interactable ball"
position="0 0.6 3.8"
scale="0.02 0.02 0.02">
position="0 -6 0"
rotation="0 0 0"
scale="600 600 600"
My controller-setup:
<a-entity id="camera-rig" position="0 -1.20 4" rotation="0 150 0">
cursor="fuse: true; fuseTimeout: 1000"
raycaster="objects: .interactable"
animation__fusing="property: scale; startEvents: fusing; easing: linear; dur: 1000; from: 1 1 1; to: 3 3 3"
animation__leave="property: scale; startEvents: mouseleave; easing: linear; dur: 1; from: 1 1 1; to: 1 1 1"
animation__click="property: scale; startEvents: click; easing: linear; dur: 150; from: 3 3 3; to: 1 1 1"
position="0 0 -1"
geometry="primitive: sphere; radius: 0.005"
material="color: #FF00FF; shader: flat; opacity: 0.5">
<a-entity sphere-collider="objects: .interactable" handModelStyle: lowPoly; super-hands hand-controls="hand: left"></a-entity>
<a-entity sphere-collider="objects: .interactable" handModelStyle: lowPoly; super-hands hand-controls="hand: right"></a-entity>
And finally, the a-scene defining the gravity:
<a-scene embedded antialias="false" physics="gravity: -9.8; debug: true">
Thanks to this:
I found the culprit. I needed to add the static-body to my hand-entities, so that collision could be detected. No idea why collision was detected without them before though.
Modified code:
<a-entity static-body="shape: sphere; sphereRadius: 0.02;" sphere-collider="objects: .interactable" handModelStyle: lowPoly; super-hands hand-controls="hand: left"></a-entity>
<a-entity static-body="shape: sphere; sphereRadius: 0.02;" sphere-collider="objects: .interactable" handModelStyle: lowPoly; super-hands hand-controls="hand: right"></a-entity>