
Cereal - unable to deserialize a json string - unhandled exception

This is my json string

    "connectionString" : "MyConnectionString",
    "value" :"MyVal"

This is my class

        struct Settings
            std::string connectionString;
            std::string value;

            template<class Archive>
            void serialize(Archive& ar)

And this is what I am doing:

            std::ifstream ifs("Settings.json");
            std::string content((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(ifs)),(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>())); // Yes this is valid - The content gets populated
            Settings settings;
                cereal::JSONInputArchive archive_in(ifs);
                archive_in(settings); //<<-----Exception here - Unhandled exception

The above solution would works only if my json string was this (i.e) if all the json string was an object of another key.

    "SomeThing" :{
                "connectionString" : "MyConnectionString",
                "value" :"MyVal"

My question is how can I make my actual json string work (without wrapping it in an object)? I currently have this in a json file

    "connectionString" : "MyConnectionString",
    "value" :"MyVal"

and I wanted to know the best approach of deserializing this into an object ?


  • The code expecting that outer object is put there by the default JSON "prologue" and "epilogue" behavior:


    From the documentation:

    These functions are given a reference to the active archive and a constant reference to the type being serialized. Careful specialization of prologue and epilogue allows for archives to exercise special behaviors without having to re-implement serialization functions for types. This lets us make the type support fairly generic. For example, cereal::XMLOutputArchive (<cereal/archives/xml.hpp>) makes use of these functions to start and finish nodes in its in-memory tree.

    If you add in your code an overload for your type that does nothing:

    void epilogue(cereal::JSONInputArchive&, const Settings&) { }
    void prologue(cereal::JSONInputArchive&, const Settings&) { }

    It won't try to parse an outer object