I'm using wuapi to find Windows Updates. I faced with the problem: pJob->Release(); stucking in the following code on some machines, but generally it works correct. What could be the reason of such behavior?
I have tried to change ISearchJob* to CComPtr and remove pJob->Release();, but issue isn't gone. In this case program stucks on the end of the function.
ISearchResult* pWUResult = NULL;
ISearchJob* pJob = NULL;
VARIANT pVar = { 0 };
ISCC completeCB;
hr = pWUSearcher->BeginSearch( bstrCriteria, &completeCB, pVar, &pJob );
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
WaitForSingleObject( completeCB._Event, INFINITE );
hr = pWUSearcher->EndSearch( pJob, &pWUResult );
As @JonathanPotter suggested in comments, using pJob->CleanUp() instead of pJob->Release() was resolved the issue.