I have a set of DataGridViews that are created at run time and I need to reference these to update them when changes are made. I know that I can use
Dim dgvUpdate As DataGridView
dgvUpdate = CType(Me.Controls(strGridName), DataGridView)
to get hold of the datagrid I need and them re-run the SQL and re-do the DataGridView.DataSource.
However these DataGridViews are located within TabPages within any number of different TabControls and so do not appear in Me.Controls
Is there a way of being able, in code, to reference all controls within the current form, regardless of tabs, panels etc. that I can use in the Ctype method to grab the correct datagridview.
Here's a method you can use to get every control on a form in Tab order:
Public Iterator Function GetControls() As IEnumerable(Of Control)
Dim ctrl = GetNextControl(Me, True)
Do Until ctrl Is Nothing
Yield ctrl
ctrl = GetNextControl(ctrl, True)
End Function
If you wanted to use that to get every DataGridView
For Each grid In GetControls().OfType(Of DataGridView)()
'Use grid here.
If you wanted to be more direct, this will get every DataGridView
on any TabPage
of a specific TabControl
For Each grid In TabControl1.TabPages.
Cast(Of TabPage)().
SelectMany(Function(tp) tp.Controls.OfType(Of DataGridView)())
'Use grid here.