
Where can I find the VclStylesinno.dll in order to be able to use VCL styles in my Inno Setup script?

I've downloaded the VCL styles from

but I can't find the VclStylesinno.dll in there. Here's what I have inside the InnoSetup plugin folder:

enter image description here

Where can I find the aforementioned dll?


  • The VclStylesinno.dll is part of the "Installer VCL Styles for Inno Setup" package (SetupVCLStylesInno.exe).

    You need to install the package and then locate the VclStylesinno.dll in its installation folder. Just copy the dll over to your Inno Setup project. I believe it does not have any dependencies, so you do not need any other files from the installation (except for the .vsf style of your choice).