
Can I get elements within an SVG to size proportionately and others to stretch disproportionally?

I am trying to get the red area to stretch disproportionately on the X axis (100% horizontal stretching with a fixed height) while keeping both the left and right ends fixed so the rounded edges and the die don't become distorted. How can I get this working?

Here's the image output:

Screenshot of SVG output

And here is the SVG code that generates it:

<svg viewBox="0 0 3550 1471" fill="none" xmlns="">
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  • The basic technique for this sort of situations is to play with the existence of viewBox attributes and percentage units. for your problem, some things work, others do not.

    Some extra care is to be used for content that ends up outside the <svg> elements. You need to set overflow: visible for them to be visible. Otherwise, the box borders of the <svg> element act as clip paths.

    svg {
      margin: 50px;
      overflow: visible;
    <svg width="650" height="234" xmlns="">
      <g filter="url(#filter0_d)">
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      <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M354.359 649.227C383.729 649.227 407.538 625.417 407.538 596.047C407.538 566.677 383.729 542.867 354.359 542.867C324.988 542.867 301.179 566.677 301.179 596.047C301.179 625.417 324.988 649.227 354.359 649.227ZM354.359 637.632C377.2 637.632 395.717 619.115 395.717 596.274C395.717 573.432 377.2 554.916 354.359 554.916C331.517 554.916 313 573.432 313 596.274C313 619.115 331.517 637.632 354.359 637.632Z" fill="#F26267"/>
      <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M354.359 866.791C383.729 866.791 407.538 842.982 407.538 813.611C407.538 784.241 383.729 760.432 354.359 760.432C324.988 760.432 301.179 784.241 301.179 813.611C301.179 842.982 324.988 866.791 354.359 866.791ZM354.359 855.196C377.2 855.196 395.717 836.68 395.717 813.838C395.717 790.997 377.2 772.48 354.359 772.48C331.517 772.48 313 790.997 313 813.838C313 836.68 331.517 855.196 354.359 855.196Z" fill="#01CADE"/>
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