
Giving deletable default value for masked phone number

I just want to use +90 as deletable (BACKSPACE) default value for area.

<input class="form-control phone" id="GSMNo" name="GSMNo" placeholder="GSM No" required="required" type="text" value="" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="true">


Control part

  $.validator.addMethod("phone", function (value, element) {
                var format = $(element).data('format'),
                    phoneFormat = format ? format :;
                return this.optional(element) || $.inputmask.isValid(value, { mask: phoneFormat });
            }, metaDic["PleaseEnterValidPhone"]);

My formatter part;

   format: {
                phone: '+\\90 (A99) 999-9999',


I will be grateful if anyone could help me.


  • I solved issue with using * character for each space.

     phone: '+**(A99) 999-9999',

    for giving county code as default value.

    var $inputGSM = $('#GSMNo'); //my area
         $(document).ready(function () {
                            var countryCode = "your country code"
                            var number = $inputGSM[0].value;
                            if (number == "") {
                               countryCode = "(" + countryCode + ")";
                        document.getElementById('GSMNo').value = countryCode;