
Movie API: How Can I Return The Value?

I'm using The Movie Database API. The problem that I can't solve is returning "keys" variable when I call the function with Movie's id.I'm new on JavaScript that's why I can't solve this. Hope someone can help me.

const APIURL = "[MY API KEY HERE]&page-1";     
async function getMovies(url)
    const resp = await fetch(url);
    const respData = await resp.json();
        async function getTrailer(id)
         const resp = await fetch(`${id}/videos?api_key=[MY API KEY HERE]&language=en-US`);
         const respDataa = await resp.json();
         let results = respDataa.results;
         let keys = results[0].key;
         return keys;
    function showMovies(movies){
      movies.forEach(movie => {
           const modals = document.createElement('div');
         modals.innerHTML = `  <a target="_blank" href ="${getTrailer(}">Watch Trailer</a>`



  • We have to await or.then the return (it’s a Promise).

    function showMovies(movies) {
          // make the forEach callback async
          movies.forEach(async (movie) => {
            console.log(getTrailer( // Promise {<pending>}
            const trailer = await getTrailer(;
            console.log({ trailer });
            const modals = document.createElement("div");
            modals.innerHTML = `  <a target="_blank" href ="${trailer}">Watch Trailer</a>`;