I'm using imputed data (via r-MICE) to carry out some linear regressions.
fitimp2 <- with(impdatlong_mids,
lm(nat11 ~ sex + AGE +
I(fasbathroom + fasbedroom + fascomputers +
fasdishwash + fasfamcar + fasholidays)+fatherhome1 +
motherhome1 +talkfather +talkmother + I(famsup+famhelp)+
When I call a summary:
I don't get the signif codes / asterisks, which isn't a huge deal, just kind of inconvenient, but more importantly, I don't get the R or Adjusted R squared like I would with a regular model summary. My output looks like:
term estimate
1 (Intercept) 1.560567449
2 sex 0.219087438
3 AGE 0.005548590
4 I(fasbathroom + fasbedroom + fascomputers + fasdishwash + fasfamcar + fasholidays) -0.009028995
5 fatherhome1 -0.055150616
6 motherhome1 0.001564544
7 talkfather 0.115541883
8 talkmother 0.149495541
9 I(famsup + famhelp) -0.006991828
10 fmeal 0.081613347
std.error statistic df p.value
1 0.162643898 9.59499539 1118.93509 0.000000e+00
2 0.024588831 8.91003863 4984.09857 0.000000e+00
3 0.007672715 0.72315871 3456.13665 4.696313e-01
4 0.005495148 -1.64308498 804.41067 1.007561e-01
5 0.030861154 -1.78705617 574.98597 7.445506e-02
6 0.057226626 0.02733944 90.61856 9.782491e-01
7 0.012924577 8.93970310 757.72150 0.000000e+00
8 0.016306200 9.16801814 239.68789 0.000000e+00
9 0.003215294 -2.17455343 1139.07321 2.986886e-02
10 0.011343686 7.19460591 2677.98522 8.095746e-13
Any ideas how to get the Rsquared values to display? Thanks in advance.
Have you tried
for unadjusted r-sq:
for adjusted r-sq:
pool.r.squared(fitimp2, adjusted = TRUE)
see pg. 51 of https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/mice/mice.pdf