I am new to Python. I was given a task with an example that looks like this. My task is to find another way to prove a, b, c are Coprime Integers and to calculate a Pythagorean Triplets with input c. Can anyone show me another way or similar to solve this problem?
c = int(input('c: '))
sol = 'No solution'
ab = True #Definition of ab
bc = True #Definition of bc
ac = True #Definition of ac
for b in range (3, c):
for a in range (2, b):
if (a**2 + b**2) / (c**2) == 1:
for i in range (2, a+1):
if b % i == 0 and a % i == 0: #Coprime integers a,b
ab = False
ab = True
for j in range (2, b+1):
if b % j == 0 and c % j == 0: #Coprime integers b,c
bc = False
bc = True
for k in range (2, a+1):
if a % k == 0 and c % k == 0: #Coprime integers a,c
ac = False
ac = True
if ab==True and bc==True and ac==True: #Coprime integers a,b,c
sol = "%i^2 + %i^2 = %i^2" % (a,b,c) #output
The input should look like exp. c: 5 and output should be 3^2 + 4^2 = 5^2. Thanks in advance.
Your code can be cleaned up greatly with the Euclidean gcd
function (two numbers are coprime if and only if their gcd is 1):
from math import gcd
c = int(input('c: '))
found_sol = False
for b in range(3, c):
for a in range(2, b):
if a**2 + b**2 == c**2:
valid = True
if gcd(a, b) != 1 or gcd(a, c) != 1 or gcd(b, c) != 1:
print(f"{a}^2 + {b}^2 = {c}^2")
found_sol = True
if not found_sol:
print("No solution found.")
Also, you know a
must equal sqrt(c**2 - b**2)
, so you can save a loop:
from math import sqrt, gcd
c = int(input('c: '))
found_sol = False
def gcd(a, b):
while b != 0:
a, b = b, a % b
return a
for b in range(3, c):
a = int(sqrt(c**2 - b**2))
if a < b and a**2 + b**2 == c**2:
valid = True
if gcd(a, b) != 1 or gcd(a, c) != 1 or gcd(b, c) != 1:
print(f"{a}^2 + {b}^2 = {c}^2")
found_sol = True
if not found_sol:
print("No solution found.")