
How to create a trigram or ngram word with Postgres

I am trying to create a trigram word based search with Postgres. The idea is to implement a simplistic did you mean.

I would like to have a table with trigram words instead of strings. I do know that Postgres offers trigram for strings (pg_tgrm) but I would like to accomplish this:

` roses beautiful red colar sun`

trigram word:

[`roses beautiful red`, `beautiful red colar`, `red colar sun`]

How would be the most effective and fast way of achieving such in a query.

Select column from table -- transforming into the above for each row?

I have tried:

with words as (
 select unnest(regexp_split_to_array(`roses beautiful red colar sun`,'\s+')) as c from col
select c1.c || c2.c
from words c1
cross join words c2;

But I don't know how I would use cross join for a more advanced scenario.


  • You could use the power of PostgreSQL full text search with the following function:

    CREATE FUNCTION phrase_trigram(regconfig, text) RETURNS tsquery
       LANGUAGE plpgsql AS
       words text[];
       i integer;
       result tsquery;
       q tsquery;
       /* split the string into an array of words */
       words := regexp_split_to_array($2, '[[:space:]]+');
       FOR i IN 1..cardinality(words) - 2 LOOP
          /* a phrase consisting of three consecutive words */
          q := phraseto_tsquery($1, array_to_string(words[i:i+2], ' '));
          IF result IS NULL THEN
             result := q;
             /* append with "or" */
             result := result || q;
          END IF;
       END LOOP;
       RETURN result;

    That constructs a full text search query that tests for the "tri-word" phrases you want.

    Use it like this:

    SELECT to_tsvector('english', 'a text containing beautiful red colar')
           @@ phrase_trigram('english', 'roses beautiful red colar sun'::text);