
How to enable a PACKAGECONFIG feature in an image in bitbake?

Suppose, we have a few features in a recipe as shown in the examples. Suppose this is written in meta-somelayer/recipes-functions/functions/functions_git.bb

PACKAGECONFIG ??= "f1 f2 f3 ..."
     PACKAGECONFIG[f1] = "\
                          --with-f1, \
                          --without-f1, \
                          build-deps-for-f1, \
                          runtime-deps-for-f1, \
                          runtime-recommends-for-f1, \
                          packageconfig-conflicts-for-f1 \
     PACKAGECONFIG[f2] = "\
                         ... and so on and so on ...

How do I enable feature f1 in my own layer in an image. Suppose I have a layer meta-mylayer.

I tried creating a .bbappend file in meta-mylayer/recipes-myrecipes/functions/functions_%.bbappend and including PACKAGECONFIG_append = "f1", but I suppose that just adds more features to the existing PACKAGECONFIG feature. How do I select a feature from a recipe of another layer in my layer?


  • For a feature to be included to a particular image, add a .bbappend file a particular hierarchy in that meta- layer of that image. For example, I would add a .bbappend file in meta-mylayer/recipes-myrecipes/functions/functions_%.bbappend. Then, in that .bbappend, I would include:


    to include the f1 PACKAGECONFIG feature from the function recipe.