
Golang / Google Cloud Error Reporting Not Working

Problem: When I attempt to use the Error Reporting function to log errors, it doesn't send to the error reporter.

Here is the documentation

I instantiate like this:

const projectID = "correct-project-id"

var ErrorClient *errorreporting.Client

func MakeErrorReporter() {
    var err error
    ctx := context.Background()
    ErrorClient, err = errorreporting.NewClient(ctx, projectID, errorreporting.Config{
        ServiceName: "easyLanding",
        OnError: func(err error) {
            log.Printf("Could not log error: %v", err)
    if err != nil {
        msg := fmt.Sprintf("this is the fatal err", err.Error())
    defer ErrorClient.Close()

And then I call it like this:

func LogErr(err error, location string, userId uint) string {
    errCode := RandStringRunes(4)
    msg := fmt.Sprintf("Code: %v | Error: %v | Location: %v", errCode, err.Error(), location)
    var email string
    if userId == 0 {
        email = "system"
    } else {
        email, _ = GetUserEmail(userId)
    if viper.GetString("debug") == "false" {
        logger.Logger.Error().Msgf("Just ran the error with client %v", errorReporting.ErrorClient.Report)
        if errorReporting.ErrorClient == nil {
            logger.Logger.Error().Msg("Error client is nil")
        } else {
            logger.Logger.Error().Msg("Error client is NOT nil")
        email = fmt.Sprintf("%s - %s", email, location)
            Error: err,
            User:  email,
        label := map[string]string{}
        label["key"] = "simpleMessage"
            Severity: logging.Info,
            Payload:  msg,
            Labels:   label,
            InsertID: "",
    } else {
    return errCode

The logs Error client is NOT nil runs, so I know it's started, but no alerts come up. I also trigger it through a special URL endpoint that logs an error (or should) on every hit.


  • I used your code on my side and all works as expected, if you can't see any error on GCP console,this indicates that the Error reporting API is not enabled and for this reason you can't see any error on it.

    Please enable Error Reporting API