
Creation of especialized \Sexpr function version

I'm using the exams package to generate some exams (engineering). My source files are in Rnw format so the underlying engine is Sweave.

In R side, I'm using units package (to check dimensionality correctness) and I've created a function (called units2tex) to convert a magnitude from units to LaTeX equivalent. So, when I calculate a variable, I have to create a copy for LaTeX:

R = set_units(1,ohm)
I = set_units(1,A)
V = R*I

R_tex = units2tex(R)
I_tex = units2tex(I)
#V_tex = units2tex(V)


For $R = \Sexpr{R_tex}$, the answer is \Sexpr{units2tex(V)}.

In both cases (to print R and V) I have to explicitly call units2tex function somewhere. It's is a lot of typing (more to type, more places to be wrong) because there are a lot of steps and intermediate temporal values.

Is it possible to easily create versions of \Sexpr with automatic function calls?

More concretely:

In both cases without losing the use of original \Sexpr.

My current options and its cons:

So, the best approach is: Is it possible to create variations of \Sexpr?

Full example: file: "question.Rnw"


<<echo=FALSE, results=hide>>=

units2tex <- function(x) {
# this function is not important here. Simplified version the original version much complex



<<echo=FALSE, results=hide>>=

In <- set_units(1e-3,A)
Pn <- set_units(sample(c(2,1,0.5,0.25,0.125),1),W)

In_tex <- units2tex(In)
Pn_tex <- units2tex(Pn)


A resistor nah nah nah current $I_n=\Sexpr{In_tex}$ nah, nah, nah $P_n=\Sexpr{Pn_tex}$

What is V?

<<echo=FALSE, results=hide>>=
Vn <- set_units(Pn/In,V)
Vn_tex <- units2tex(Vn) 

  \item $V = \Sexpr{Vn_tex}$
  \item $V = \Sexpr{Pn_tex}$
  \item $V = \Sexpr{In_tex}$


To calculate $V$, we do $V= P_n/I_n = \frac{\Sexpr{Pn_tex}}{\Sexpr{In_tex}} = \Sexpr{Vn_tex}$
  \item Ok
  \item Bad
  \item Wrong


And to compile:

exams2html(c("question1.Rnw"), encoding="utf-8",template='plain8.html',mathjax = TRUE)


  • In Rnw exercises the content of \Sexpr{} is turned into character by explicitly calling as.character() on it. As this is a generic function you could easily define your own method, say,

    as.character.units <- function(x, ...) units2tex(x, ...)

    and then simply using \Sexpr{V} will automatically call your units2tex() function behind the scenes.

    Note that the same does not work for Rmd exercises. So i you want to mix Rnw and Rmd exercises, then using a shortcut function name such as the following might be better:

    u2t <- function(x, ...) units2tex(x, ...)

    This would then need to be called as \Sexpr{u2t(V)} and `r u2t(V)`, respectively.