
"TypeError: Parameters to generic types must be types. Got 0." in my function

Ive written a function that counts how often a number smaller than my compared_number is in a list. But when executing it. I get the error in the title. Heres my function:

def count_smaller(input_list: List[int], compared_number: int) -> int:
    for l in List:
        if compared_number<0:
        elif compared_number<List[l]:
            return count


  • List is an object defining a type, not your actual list object. You can read more about type hinting in the documentation

    As you iterate over the list with for l in input_list, use the element l of the list directly in your comparison :

    def count_smaller(input_list: List[int], compared_number: int) -> int:
        for l in input_list:
            if compared_number<0:
            elif compared_number<l:
                return count