
Will ets table release memory after recreating with the same name?

I have genserver that aggregates events:

  def init(opts) do
    cache =, [:set])
    {:ok, cache}

  def handle_info(:autoflush, cache) do
    Logger.debug(fn -> "#{[:size]} events was aggregated. Sending to transport..." end)
    Process.send_after(self(), :autoflush, @flush_after)
    {:noreply,, [:set])}

  def handle_cast({:add_event, event}, cache) do
    :ets.insert(cache, {event})
    {:noreply, cache}

In init I create ets table. Add values in cast and flush data to external call in info cleaning memory of ets table(as I think).


  1. Is this implementation prone to memory leak? Is old ets table garbage collected?
  2. Aside question: Does this implementation look sanely at all?


  • EDIT (July 18th 2024) Just answering the question, if the memory is collected, I assume it should be because the ETS table is linked to the process and If that process is terminated, the ETS table must be removed.

    Provide a name that is correct and could be in use if you don't believe in the proper cleaning of the ETS, but it's not a valid option if more than one server is created (unnamed servers).