I am trying to read data from a Bigquery table into a Shiny App following Golem's framework.
This can be easily done by adding the following code before the ui
and server
functions in an App.R
bq_auth(path = "xxxxxxxxxxxx.json") # authenticating biqrquery with service account json file
# Establishing connection
con <- dbConnect(
project = "project id",
dataset = "dataset name",
billing = "project id"
But I am a little bit lost on how is the way to do it when using Golem
Following this thread I created a reactiveValue()
on the app_server.R
#' The application server-side
#' @param input,output,session Internal parameters for {shiny}.
#' @import shiny
#' @import bigrquery
#' @noRd
app_server <- function( input, output, session ) {
# Your application server logic
bq <- reactiveValues()
bq$con <- dbConnect(drv = bigquery(),
project = "project_id",
dataset = "datset_id",
billing = "project_id")
I also imported bigrquery
but this has seem to broke something as now I get the following errors when I run run_dev.R
> golem::document_and_reload()
Loading Dashboard
Error : object ‘DBI’ is not exported by 'namespace:bigrquery'
-- Error documenting your package ----------------------------------------------------------------
> # Run the application
> run_app()
Error in run_app() : could not find function "run_app"
Here is the issue, based on your error:
> golem::document_and_reload()
Loading Dashboard
Error : object ‘DBI’ is not exported by 'namespace:bigrquery'
-- Error documenting your package --
Somewhere in your code, you're trying to call bigrquery::DBI(), but it's not a function from this package. Hence the error with {golem}
: you can't load everything if you have a namespace error :)
You should either find this code error in :
importFrom(bigrquery, DBI)
@importFrom bigrquery DBI
Removing this should solve the issue.
Cheers, Colin