I am using Lua in World of Warcraft.
I have this string:
So when printed, the output is this:
How can I store the entire string except the last line in a new variable?
So I want the output of the new variable to be this:
I want the Lua code to find the last line (regardless of how many lines in the string), remove the last line and store the remaining lines in a new variable.
Thank you.
So I found that Egor Skriptunoff's solutions in the comments worked very well indeed but I am unable to mark his comments as an answer so I'll put his answers here.
This removes the last line and stores the remaining lines in a new variable:
new_str = old_str:gsub("\n[^\n]*$", "")
If there is a new line marker at the end of the last line, Egor posted this as a solution:
new_str = old_str:gsub("\n[^\n]*(\n?)$", "%1")
While this removes the first line and stores the remaining lines in a new variable:
first_line = old_str:match("[^\n]*")
Thanks for your help, Egor.