
Extract intersection list from upset object

I'm making some comparisons with UpSetR, and I'd like to save the lists of elements that fall into each intersection. Is this possible? I can't find it anywhere...

It would be pretty tedious to do it manually (many lists), and since they're calculated anyway not being able to save them is frustrating


  • There is no ready upSetR function for this (yet). But, it is possible to extract it:

    # Example input as list, expected output is 1 and 5:
    listInput <- list(one = c(1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13), 
                      two = c(1, 2, 4, 5, 10),
                      three = c(1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13))

    When assigned upset returns a value, which also includes the data:

    x <- upset(fromList(listInput))
    #    one two three
    # 1    1   1     1
    # 2    1   1     0
    # 3    1   0     0
    # 4    1   1     1
    # 5    1   0     1
    # 6    1   0     1
    # 7    1   0     0
    # 8    1   0     1
    # 9    1   0     1
    # 10   0   1     0
    # 11   0   1     1
    # 12   0   0     1
    # 13   0   0     1

    From here we can see it is 1st and the 4th rows are found in all three sets. The order of items are defined based on the order they appear in the list, see:

    x1 <- unlist(listInput, use.names = FALSE)
    x1 <- x1[ !duplicated(x1) ]
    # [1]  1  2  3  5  7  8 11 12 13  4 10  6  9

    Now we know the rownumbers from "New_data" refer to in our list. So, as we have 3 columns, filter rows where sum is 3:

    x1[ rowSums(x$New_data) == 3 ]
    # [1] 1 5

    Or we could just use Reduce:

    Reduce(intersect, listInput)
    # [1] 1 5