
ng-content vs. ng-template

What is the difference between ng-content and ng-template, and what are some different use-cases for each of them?


  • ng-content is used to project content at a specific place within a component.


    <!-- custom.component.html -->
    <!-- app.component.html -->

    The code above would produce the following html:


    ng-template is a block describing a template, a template is not rendered unless explicitly referenced or used.

    The following code does not output any HTML:


    But this one would display the div:

    <ng-container *ngIf="false; else myTemplate"></ng-container>
    <ng-template #myTemplate>

    Both will never be visible in the HTML code, they are only used by Angular.


    ng-container is another Angular element used with structural directives (ngFor, ngIf), it does not produce HTML either.