
No JDK found installing Apache NetBeans IDE on MacOS Big Sur

I'm trying to install Apache NetBeans IDE on my MacOS Big Sur, but it fails at the beginning

enter image description here

This is my java -version

enter image description here

I tried to edit the .profile or .bash_profile for the java_home as some people said in other answers, but it did nothing.


  • What I did here was the combining of the answers I received.

    I installed the latest Apache NetBeans IDE which is the 12.1.

    Right-click on : Apache NetBeans -> Show package contents

    Go to : /Contents/Resources/NetBeans/netbeans/etc

    Open 'netbeans.conf' with text editor.

    Search for : #netbeans_jdkhome="/path/to/jdk"

    Add the path to your JDK below like this :



    Run the program.