I have some components from third-party library, that work fine, when use next way:
<lib-inner [text]="'111'"></lib-inner>
<lib-inner [text]="'222'"></lib-inner>
Simplified imitation of 'lib' and 'lib-inner' components code:
selector: "lib",
template: `
<ng-container *ngFor="let c of allInner;">
<button>{{ c.text }}</button>
export class LibComponent {
@ContentChildren(LibInnerComponent) allInner: QueryList<LibInnerComponent>;
selector: "lib-inner",
template: ``
export class LibInnerComponent {
@Input() text: string;
I want to create wrapper component:
<lib-inner [text]="'aaa'"></lib-inner>
<lib-inner [text]="'bbb'"></lib-inner>
selector: "wrapper-for-lib",
template: `
<lib-inner [text]="'default'"></lib-inner>
export class WrapperForLibComponent {}
When we use this 'wrapper-for-lib' component, we see only 'default' button, but don't see buttons 'aaa' and 'bbb'.
'lib' component's ContentChildren() don't find 'lib-inner' components that are in ng-content,
Is there any way to solve this?
Notice, I can't change code of 'lib' and 'lib-inner', because they imitate case for real third-party library components, which I can't change.
You can select all the lib-inner components from your wrapper and loop them in your template.
selector: "wrapper-for-lib",
template: `
<ng-container *ngFor="let inner of libInners">
<lib-inner [text]="inner.text"></lib-inner>
export class WrapperForLibComponent {
@ContentChildren(LibInnerComponent) libInners: QueryList<LibInnerComponent>;