I am trying to write a simple covariance matrix function in Python.
import numpy as np
def manual_covariance(x):
mean = x.mean(axis=1)
cov = np.zeros((len(x), len(x)), dtype='complex64')
for i in range(len(mean)):
for k in range(len(mean)):
s = 0
for j in range(len(x[1])): # 5 Col
s += np.dot((x[i][j] - mean[i]), (x[k][j] - mean[i]))
cov[i, k] = s / ((x.shape[1]) - 1)
return cov
With this function if I compute the covariance of:
A = np.array([[1, 2], [1, 5]])
man_cov = manual_covariance(A)
num_cov = np.cov(A)
My answer matches with the np.cov(), and there is no problem. But, when I use complex number instead, my answer does not match with np.cov()
A = np.array([[1+1j, 1+2j], [1+4j, 5+5j]])
man_cov = manual_covariance(A)
num_cov = cov(A)
Manual result:
[[-0.5+0.j -0.5+2.j]
[-0.5+2.j 7.5+4.j]]
Numpy cov result:
[[0.5+0.j 0.5+2.j]
[0.5-2.j 8.5+0.j]]
I have tried printing every statement, to check where it can go wrong, but I am not able to find a fault.
It is because the dot product of two complex vectors z1
and z2
is defined as z1 · z2*
, where * means conjugation. If you use s += np.dot((x[i,j] - mean[i]), np.conj(x[k,j] - mean[i]))
you should get the correct result, where we have used Numpy's conjugate function.