In Apple's EventKit each Calendar can have a user-definable color, which can also be accessed on the EKCalendar instance as EKCalendar.color
How can that color be accessed from a single event (not a calendar)? Is there any back-reference from an EKEvent instance to the EKCalendar the event belongs to?
As an example, I have a list of calendars and fetch events by start and end date. In the resulting array of events it seems any information answering a question "from which calendar a single event is" got lost.
import EventKit
let eventStore = EKEventStore()
let calendars: [EKCalendar] = getCalendars() // get some calendars here
let d = (start: Date(), end: Date().addingTimeInterval(3600*5)) // [now, now+5h]
let predicate = eventStore.predicateForEvents(withStart: d.start, end: d.end, calendars: calendars)
let events = predicate) // fetch the events
for event in events { // iterate over all events from calendars within [now, now+5h]
// ?? how to get the color of the calendar of event? or
// ?? how to get the EKCalendar instance event is from?
It looks like EKEvent is a subclass of EKCalendarItem. The EKCalendarItem
contains a property, calendar
That being said, here's the answers to the questions
for event in events { // iterate over all events from calendars within [now, now+5h]
// ?? how to get the color of the calendar of
let color = event.calendar.color
// ?? how to get the EKCalendar instance event is from?
let calendar = event.calendar