
Association rules having same support but different confidence values

I am generating rules from my data and one thing I noticed were a few duplicated rules. These rules have the same support, lift and count values but different confidence and coverage values.

I initially thought this was due to a white space in one of the product names but I have trimmed and cleaned the product info before mining for rules.

rules1 <- apriori(transactions,
                 parameter = list(
                   sup = supportLevels[3],
                   conf = confidenceLevels[9],
                   minlen = 2,
                   target = "rules"

             by = "lift", # sort by strongests to weakest rules
             decreasing = TRUE))

Below you can see the first two rules which are duplicated/symmetrical but have different confidence values.

enter image description here

Unfortunately I can not share my dataset as it's proprietary and I could not replicate with the Groceries dataset in Arules.

Does anyone have an idea why I could get different confidence but same support and lift for these rules?


  • This follows directly from the definition of the measures for two rules

    X => Y
    Y => X

    which are both created from the same frequent item set given by the union of X and Y.