I have a question related to a Verilog implementation of an SRAM memory. Module sram_1port
is supposed to be a clocked address addressable SRAM memory which has a read enable signal and a write enable signal. Module control_sram
is supposed to read/write data in SRAM. Data is stored contiguously, at consecutive memory addresses. The issue occurs when I try to simulate the circuit behaviour, thus the rd_data
signal is undetermined during the whole simulation. So, the memory content couldn't be output, and I don't even know why. Is there a problem when data is stored, or when the content should be output, or both are problematic?
module sram_1port(
input clk,
input [15:0] address,
input wr,rd,
input [2:0] wr_data,
output reg [2:0] rd_data
reg [2:0] mem_reg [15:0];
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if(wr) mem_reg[address] <= wr_data;
else if(rd) rd_data <= mem_reg[address];
module control_sram(
input clk, wr, rd,
input [2:0] wr_data,//read 1 instruction/clk
output [2:0] rd_data,//output
output reg [15:0] out//outputs address
reg [15:0] address,address_rd,address_wr;
initial address = 16'd0;
initial address_wr = 16'd0;
initial address_rd = 16'd0;
sram_1port i0(.clk(clk),.address(address),.wr(wr),
always @(posedge clk) begin
if(wr) begin
address_wr = address_wr + 1;
address = address_wr;
address_rd = 16'd0;
else if(rd) begin
address_rd = address_rd + 1;
address = address_rd;
address_wr = 16'd0;
always @ * out = address;
//tb for control_sram
module control_sram_tb(
output reg clk,wr,rd,
output reg [2:0] wr_data,
output [2:0] rd_data,
output [15:0] out
control_sram cut(.clk(clk),.wr(wr),.rd(rd),.wr_data(wr_data),
initial $dumpvars(0,control_sram_tb);
initial begin
clk = 1'd1;
repeat (260000)
#100 clk = ~clk;
initial begin
wr_data = 3'd1;
#3000000 wr_data = 3'd2;
#1000000 wr_data = 3'd1;
#3000000 wr_data = 3'd0;
#2000000 wr_data = 3'd3;
#1000000 wr_data = 3'd1;
initial begin
rd = 1'b0;
#13000000 rd = 1'b1;
initial begin
wr = 1'b1;
#13000000 wr = 1'b0;
When I run your simulation, I see rd_data
go from X to 1 at time 13_000_200ns, and it stays at 1 for 3_000ns, then it returns to X. You should see that if you zoom in on your waveforms to that time interval. If you don't see that with icarus, run your simulation on edaplayground with different simulators.
Also, you declared your memory (mem_reg
) to have 16 locations ([15:0]
). However, I see your address
take on the values of 17, 18, 19, etc. for your writes and reads. It seems strange that you are trying to access locations that are not in your memory. When you do this for reads, you get X (as expected). It seems like you only need a 4-bit address, not a 16-bit address.