I am trying to add a custom cell for gif in MessageKit, i want same as MediaMessageCell
, only the difference will be the UIImageView
replaced with GPHMediaView
, I extended the MessageContentCell
and made a CustomClass.
open class CustomChatCell: MessageContentCell {
/// The image view display the media content.
open var imageView: GPHMediaView = {
let imageView = GPHMediaView()
imageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill
return imageView
// MARK: - Methods
/// Responsible for setting up the constraints of the cell's subviews.
open func setupConstraints() {
open override func setupSubviews() {
open override func prepareForReuse() {
self.imageView.image = nil
open override func configure(with message: MessageType, at indexPath: IndexPath, and messagesCollectionView: MessagesCollectionView) {
super.configure(with: message, at: indexPath, and: messagesCollectionView)
guard let displayDelegate = messagesCollectionView.messagesDisplayDelegate else {
fatalError("MessagesDisplayDelegate has not been set.")
switch message.kind {
case .custom(let mediaItem):
guard let media = mediaItem as? GPHMedia else { return }
imageView.media = media
displayDelegate.configureMediaMessageImageView(imageView, for: message, at: indexPath, in: messagesCollectionView)
/// Handle tap gesture on contentView and its subviews.
open override func handleTapGesture(_ gesture: UIGestureRecognizer) {
let touchLocation = gesture.location(in: imageView)
guard imageView.frame.contains(touchLocation) else {
delegate?.didTapImage(in: self)
and CustomMessageSizeCalculator
open class CustomMessagesFlowLayout: MessagesCollectionViewFlowLayout {
open lazy var customMessageSizeCalculator = CustomMessageSizeCalculator(layout: self)
open override func cellSizeCalculatorForItem(at indexPath: IndexPath) -> CellSizeCalculator {
if isSectionReservedForTypingIndicator(indexPath.section) {
return typingIndicatorSizeCalculator
let message = messagesDataSource.messageForItem(at: indexPath, in: messagesCollectionView)
if case .custom = message.kind {
return customMessageSizeCalculator
return super.cellSizeCalculatorForItem(at: indexPath)
open override func messageSizeCalculators() -> [MessageSizeCalculator] {
var superCalculators = super.messageSizeCalculators()
// Append any of your custom `MessageSizeCalculator` if you wish for the convenience
// functions to work such as `setMessageIncoming...` or `setMessageOutgoing...`
return superCalculators
open class CustomMessageSizeCalculator: MessageSizeCalculator {
public override init(layout: MessagesCollectionViewFlowLayout? = nil) {
self.layout = layout
open override func sizeForItem(at indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize {
guard let layout = layout else { return .zero }
let collectionViewWidth = layout.collectionView?.bounds.width ?? 0
let contentInset = layout.collectionView?.contentInset ?? .zero
let inset = layout.sectionInset.left + layout.sectionInset.right + contentInset.left + contentInset.right
return CGSize(width: ((collectionViewWidth / 2) - inset), height: ((collectionViewWidth / 2) - inset))
The view is not there for giphy
and also avatarView
is not in middle, help to solve this, need same as the photo cell.
Try replacing your whole method
open override func sizeForItem(at indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize {
with following method
open override func messageContainerSize(for message: MessageType) -> CGSize {
guard let layout = layout else { return .zero }
let maxWidth = messageContainerMaxWidth(for: message)
let contentInset = layout.collectionView?.contentInset ?? .zero
let inset = layout.sectionInset.left + layout.sectionInset.right + contentInset.left + contentInset.right
return CGSize(width: ((maxWidth / 2) - inset), height: ((maxWidth / 2) - inset))