i know actually a lot of these kinds of questions, and i have searched on google but i can't find where the error is in my code.
I tried to send a request to fetch data, but it runs the onFailure method which reads "NumberFormatException: Empty string" and the data can't be displayed in the recyclerview, even though I'm also getting a json response as I wanted.
i got this response:
"pesan":"Barang ditemukan",
my object model
public class ModelDataBarang {
private int Isi_2;
private int Isi_3;
private int Isi_4;
private String KdBrg;
private String NmBrg;
private String Sat_1;
private String Sat_2;
private String Sat_3;
private String Sat_4;
private String KdHrgList;
private double Stock_Akhir;
private double HrgJl11;
public double getHrgJl11() {
return HrgJl11;
public void setHrgJl11(double hrgJl11) {
HrgJl11 = hrgJl11;
private String Hrg;
public String getHrg() {
return Hrg;
public void setHrg(String hrg) {
Hrg = hrg;
public String getKdHrgList() {
return KdHrgList;
public void setKdHrgList(String kdHrgList) {
KdHrgList = kdHrgList;
public String getSat_3() {
return this.Sat_3;
public void setSat_3(String sat_3) {
this.Sat_3 = sat_3;
public String getSat_4() {
return this.Sat_4;
public void setSat_4(String sat_4) {
this.Sat_4 = sat_4;
public int getIsi_3() {
return this.Isi_3;
public void setIsi_3(int isi_3) {
this.Isi_3 = isi_3;
public int getIsi_4() {
return this.Isi_4;
public void setIsi_4(int isi_4) {
this.Isi_4 = isi_4;
public String getKdBrg() {
return this.KdBrg;
public void setKdBrg(String kdBrg) {
this.KdBrg = kdBrg;
public String getNmBrg() {
return this.NmBrg;
public void setNmBrg(String nmBrg) {
this.NmBrg = nmBrg;
public String getSat_1() {
return this.Sat_1;
public void setSat_1(String sat_1) {
this.Sat_1 = sat_1;
public String getSat_2() {
return this.Sat_2;
public void setSat_2(String sat_2) {
this.Sat_2 = sat_2;
public int getIsi_2() {
return this.Isi_2;
public void setIsi_2(int isi_2) {
this.Isi_2 = isi_2;
public double getStock_Akhir() {
return this.Stock_Akhir;
public void setStock_Akhir(double stock_Akhir) {
this.Stock_Akhir = stock_Akhir;
public String toString() {
return this.NmBrg;
my recyclerview data holder
ModelDataBarang modelBarangResto= listModel.get(position);
all answers i will appreciate
Your model class values are not defined as per your response. Try to check and modify respective return type. You are getting this error because you have defined Isi_2 as int in your model class but in response you are getting empty string.
Replace this
private int Isi_2;
With this
private String Isi_2;