I am trying to create a live event (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/teams-live-events/what-are-teams-live-events) in Microsoft Teams using the Graph API with public permissions so that people can join the live event as guests.
Following the guidelines of documentation: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/onlinemeeting?view=graph-rest-beta, I cannot find a way to create an event with the desired configuration.
So far I have tried to use the following post configuration needed for the online meeting to be live and public:
"isBroadcast": true,
"autoAdmittedUsers": "everyone",
"lobbyBypassSettings" : {
"scope": "everyone",
"isDialInBypassEnabled": true,
Although I have set different values the returned response has the values set like this:
autoAdmittedUsers: "EveryoneInCompany"
lobbyBypassSettings: {scope: "organization", isDialInBypassEnabled: false}
outerMeetingAutoAdmittedUsers: "EveryoneInCompany"
Entering the event as an outside user prompts me to sign in and no join as guest option is available.
I am using JavaScript to send the requests and have tried using both the beta version of the API and 1.0 there isn't a change. Is the functionally of the Graph API not expected to work with live events and is it possible to create a live event with public permission in MS Teams using an API?
Currently there is no API to set up live event in teams. Please look at Set up live Event for an alternate way.