I have an initialized and disabled a form. Now, on a button click the form will be enabled. But the problem is one of the form control must be disabled at all time. When I enable the form, the disabled form control is getting enabled too.
Here's what I've done
onInit() {
this.fruitForm = this.formBuilder.group({
name: [this.fruit.name, [Validators.required]],
supplier: [{ value: this.fruit.user, disabled: true }, [Validators.required]],
quantity: [this.fruit.qty, [Validators.required]]
And enabling the form
edit() {
if (button == 'Modify') {
button = 'Save'
} else {
button = 'Modify'
And after clicking the button more than twice, the form is always enabled and it doesn't get disabled at all
You can disable form control manually after enabling all form