i want to access the "Request New Swarm Review" functionality in the P4V GUI for Perforce inside the command line. I did a lot of research but none of my attempts was successful. I tried:
"p4 shelve -c changelistNumber #review" like it is discussed in this post: Submit a change for review in swarm command line using perforce In this case i get an error like: Invalid revision number 'review'
"$ curl -u "apiuser:password" -d"change=12345" https://myswarm.url/api/v9/reviews" like it is written in the Swarm API (https://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.current/manuals/swarm/Content/Swarm/swarm-apidoc.html). In this case i get an error like: curl: no URL specified
Im using windows 7, 64bit
Could anyone give me a hint to point me in the correct direction? Thank you in advance! Jakob
I think your second solution was pretty close, you just needed to make it a POST. The following worked for me:
curl -X POST http://*YOUR_SWARM_URL*/api/v9/reviews --data-urlencode "change=*YOUR_CHANGE_ID*"
Note that I'd prefer #2 over #1 because it doesn't rely on triggers.