
How can I get the video from RPScreenRecorder or add a share button?

I'm recording video using RPScreenRecorder.shared().startRecording. However, I want to let the user share the video from within the app. This is the code that stops recording and previews the video in a view controller and gives the user the option to save to photos or cancel.

I cannot figure out how to grab the video from the view controllers view. When I dug into the subviews: preview.view.subviews.first!.subviews.first! There's a view of type: UIRemoteView with no subviews.

Is it possible to grab the video? Or better yet, is there a way to show a UIActivityViewController to allow the user to share the video?

for macOS I could do preview.mode = .share, but for iOS this is not available.

RPScreenRecorder.shared().stopRecording { preview, error in
    guard let preview = preview else { return }
    self.present(preview, animated: true, completion: nil)


  • There is a share button but it is not visible, if view controller is not presented fullscreen, I think this is a bug related to PRPreviewViewController.

    You can change modalTransitionStyle and see share button.

    RPScreenRecorder.shared().stopRecording { preview, error in
        guard let preview = preview else { return }
        preview.modalPresentationStyle = .overFullScreen
        self.present(preview, animated: true, completion: nil)