
Kotlin measureTime differs from kotlinx-benchmark (jmh) by far

I'm testing with the following class (You can find a git repository here):

class TestBenchmark {

    private fun benchmark() : List<Int> {
        return buildList {

    final fun measureTime() {
        val result: Any?
        val time = measureNanoTime {
            result = benchmark()
        println("$time ns")

    final fun benchmarkFunction() {

fun main() {

With kotlins measureTimeNanos I get 65238400 ns on my machine. However when performing a benchmark with kotlinx-benchmark via gradlew benchmark I get:

  Success: N = 611869
  mean =  12388,465 ±(99.9%) 39,959 ns/op

How is that possible?


  • You simply can't use measureNanoTime for microbenchmarks like this: that result is completely unreliable. A big reason for that are optimizations made at runtime by the JVM, as well as non-deterministic behavior like GC or system effects like power management, OS scheduling, and time sharing.

    The entire point of JMH, which kotlinx-benchmark uses, is to create a harness which attempts to work around all of these issues, to produce more reliable micro-benchmarking results.

    See the article Avoiding Benchmarking Pitfalls on the JVM for a deeper discussion of the issues.

    Aleksey Shipilëv, one of the maintainers of JMH, has many fascinating articles and talks about the subject. See:

    See also: How do I write a correct micro-benchmark in Java?.