I have this query (take a look on between dates):
SELECT user_name, COUNT(*) AS 'COUNT'
FROM user_records
WHERE date_created between (STR_TO_DATE('11/24/2020','%m/%d/%y'))
and (STR_TO_DATE('12/26/2021','%m/%d/%y'))
GROUP BY user_name ;
The select is between dates:
startDate: (STR_TO_DATE('11/24/2020','%m/%d/%y'))
finishDate: (STR_TO_DATE('12/26/2021','%m/%d/%y'))
This query will return something because there are records on year 2020
the problem is when i change the month of the finishDate, i tried with:
finishDate: (STR_TO_DATE('1/26/2021','%m/%d/%y')) = null
finishDate: (STR_TO_DATE('01/26/2021','%m/%d/%y')) = null
finishDate: (STR_TO_DATE('10/26/2021','%m/%d/%y')) = null
It just makes no sense... im using mysql community 8.0.20
Since the problem only occurs in the finsihDate
perhaps this could be helpful.
SELECT user_name, COUNT(*) AS 'COUNT'
FROM user_records
WHERE date_created between (STR_TO_DATE('11/24/2020','%m/%d/%y'))
and (DATE_ADD(STR_TO_DATE('11/24/2020','%m/%d/%y'), INTERVAL 367 DAY))
GROUP BY user_name ;
Of course you should check for relevant errors or warnings in MySQL server logs, that could explain the problem for finsihDate
********UPDATE SOLUTION: for some unknown reason my db IDE shows the date with this format "$DAY/$MONTH/$YEAR" even if insert the right DATE MYSQL FORMAT ("$YEAR-$MONTH-$DAY)
i got the following warnings:
And this is the final query that worked but your solution did worked as well:
SELECT user_name, COUNT(*) AS 'COUNT'
FROM user_records
WHERE date_created between '2020-11-24' AND '2021-01-24'
GROUP BY user_name ;