
How do you edit wpa_supplicant.conf on a Raspberry Pi in Node JS with sed?

My conf file looks like this:


I'm using the following code to try and edit my Wifi settings in a Node JS app but it isn't making any changes to the file. Any advice would be much appreciated!

        var ssid_command = "sed -i \'s/ssid=\"oldssid\"/ssid=\"" + newssid + "\"/\' /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf";
        var psk_command = "sed -i \'s/psk=\"oldpassword\"/psk=\"" + newpassword + "\"/\' /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf";
        require('child_process').exec(ssid_command, function (msg) { console.log(msg) });
        require('child_process').exec(psk_command, function (msg) { console.log(msg) });


  • Turns out all I had to do was add sudo to the beginning so that I have permission to edit the file.