
Connecting to AI Platform Pipelines using the Kubeflow Pipelines SDK with Python and PyCharm

Using windows 10 and Python 3.9 with PyCharm IDE

I am trying to list the pipelines using the following code:

import kfp
client = kfp.Client(host='')

I know the host variable is correct because I copied it from the AI platform Pipeline. I am getting the following problem:

FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified

I think that the file can't be found since the program can't connect to the GCP's AI PLatform Pipeline.

I have installed Kubeflow Pipeline SDK by doing the following commands in Pycharm terminal:

When I run:

kfp diagnose_me

I get the following command error:

Google Cloud SDK is not installed, gcloud, gsutil and kubectl are required for this app to run. Please follow instructions at to install the SDK

I have tried


  • I transitioned over to Ubuntu and from there the problem was fixed.

    What I did: