
Azure DevOps Pipeline Not Displaying All Runs

I'm having issues when trying to display all runs for one of my Pipelines. I'm running on premise Azure Devops 2020 and I get a perpetual spinning Loading dialogue. I don't have this issue in any of my other pipelines. It seems that if I filter by run state in the problematic pipeline I am able to get past this and view some of the runs but for other states in my case "Succeeded" and "Succeeded with Issues" I continue to get the spinning loading symbol. Any advice?


  • Here are some suggestions:

    Suggestion 1

    Clean the cache or load the page from a different brower and restart the Azure DevOps Server and the SQL Server machine.

    Suggestion 2

    Create a new pipeline that has the same settings as the affected pipeline.

    Suggestion 3

    You can use the REST API Builds - List to get all runs of your pipeline.


    Because the cause of this question may be that the runs list is too long. You can use the REST API Builds-Delete to delete some of the runs you don't need to see whether the question can be solved.


    Suggestion 4

    You can refer to a similar question on the Developer Community. The Jan Selbach's comment offers a solution.

    1.Run the following SQL script to find the LeaseId of duplicate rows. Please change collection Db name according to your’s.

    SELECT LeaseId
    FROM [AzureDevOps_DefaultCollection].[Build].[tbl_RetentionLease] 
    partitionId > 0 AND
    LeaseId NOT IN (
    SELECT MIN(LeaseId) as LeaseId
      FROM [AzureDevOps_DefaultCollection].[Build].[tbl_RetentionLease]
        WHERE PartitionId > 0
        GROUP BY OwnerId,RunId

    2.Concatenate the LeaseIds into a comma separated list

    3.Run the following PowerShell script by filling in the org, project, pat, and leaseId by passing in the comma separated list of LeaseIds (remember if on-prem change the in the $uri to your on-prem server)

    $org = "";
    $project = "";
    $pat = "";
    $encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes([string]::Format("{0}:{1}", "", $pat)));
    $accessToken = "Basic $encoded";
    $leaseId = "";
    $uri = "$org/$project/_apis/build/retention/leases?ids=$leaseId&api-version=6.0-preview";
    try {
    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -uri $uri -method DELETE -Headers @{ Authorization = $accessToken } -ContentType "application/json"
    catch {
    $errorDetails = ConvertFrom-Json $_.ErrorDetails
    Write-Host "StatusCode: $($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode)`nExceptionType: $($errorDetails.typeKey)`nExceptionMessage: $($errorDetails.message)"
    #StackTrace: $($errorDetails.stackTrace)" 