I'm using SSIS to upload files to SFTP. I'm using command prompt to execute the WinSCP command. Code is as below:
winscp.com /command "open sftp://username@sftp.client.com/ -privatekey="H:\Share\CT_SFTPPrivateKey\privatekey.ppk" -hostkey=""ssh-ed25519 256 71yCy6d6qLSxxX5dZ/+99On+8xiDnJ4NG7tXmKiOMik=.""" "put -delete H:\Share\WorkingFolders\BOPIS\*.csv /sc/production/incoming/segment/" /log="H:\Share\WorkingFolders\BOPIS\WinSCP.log" "exit"
I'm getting Host key does not match configured key exception.
The .
at the end of your host fingerprint should not be there.
-hostkey=""ssh-ed25519 256 71yCy6d6qLSxxX5dZ/+99On+8xiDnJ4NG7tXmKiOMik=""
WinSCP GUI can generate a complete valid command-line template for you.